Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 11 Hardy Weinberg

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vídeos De Famosas Mexicanas Follando


you made me do a figure of shit ... as an excuse? yes, the microphone you gave me the other day does not work ... mmm ... strange, we had tried ... tell her that he did not feel anything, ahead of all! okay okay here that we try to give AH AH TEST TEST [feels great] sorry but it works, feel? the other night did not work sorry but he has placed the cable? into the microphone! I took the cable that gave me and I entered into the microphone ok, but the ' other end of the cable, where he entered? ... where? I told you, ok into the microphone, first linked the microphone, but then he has placed in the other connector? I mean: he was added to a mixer directly into a cash ... is sure it was a microphone input? maybe that's why it did not work ... ... where posted? anywhere, mica she told me that it was necessary to use the speakers

here, I guess my colleague (R.ino) which in turn you imagine this little man in front of friends and relatives holding a microphone with the Criston cable dangling on the ground that because you do not hear anything.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Best Quality Budget Receiver


the strength has always been my obsession as a child. I observed an object and I jumped on his head a thousand questions about its nature, about how he was and how it worked. if I removed it. but come to the impossibility further divide its shares dive imagined in his subject and to understand the intrinsic nature. because when I was a child interpret the objects as if they have their existence, inherent.

wanted to know what things were done

growing then I learned a little more. I studied the atom with doodles before and after with the distribution. I then discovered that each object that seems to me solid, compact, is actually largely empty, as a galaxy in which the heavenly bodies exist between distances million times larger than the size of individual planets. I learned that the atom does not exist. that the electron is not a thing, but a phenomenon. is composed of other events in medium create what we call electron (or proton or neutron). and that any of these subatomic particles (the various types of leptons and hadrons) is again made up of millions of iterations with other even smaller particles that continually dismantled and reassembled.

things are not things to be done, but do not exist as such phenomena are constantly evolving

here is that the image of solid objects as if they were composed of millions of bricks disappear to make room for an elegant dance of energy, where everything is smooth and continuous change.

but what still interests me most today is that this bizarre feature of the matter is mirrored in all that we live. suffering, relationships, love or social and economic problems there so appear solid and independent from us, but they are not. are interdependent and empty of inherent existence, one might say. Well, actually, what seemed to me an incredible understanding of the evolution of life has been understood and taught instead of just a few thousand years ago. what the hell we are studying in school??

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tww Explain Metal Taste In Mouth


On Saturday evening, the evening Mass in my parish, we often have the good fortune to attend the celebration of baptisms. Don Tony, the pastor, said that these children "come to church and pagan, after baptism, post-Christian." He's right, and I would add another image: "enter the dead, because of original sin, which prevents man from being a friend of God, in and out alive, thanks to the gift of the Spirit." And we, dear friends, as we are? remind us of our baptism? how we live our being Christians? The risk to us all is often the Christian proclamation, which, however, live as heathens, as if they were impervious to the logic of the Gospel, the logic of the Beatitudes, love unconditional love that the Lord calls us to Him and our brothers. There is a beautiful and terrible passage in Revelation where the Lord tells us that if we are lukewarm, we will vomit (that's right, brothers and sisters!). What is the temperature of our spiritual life? We have a heart that is full of love for God? we are grateful for the gift of life and that Providence will not abandon us in this "valley of tears" carved out by our sin of rebellion? I would like to submit some points that you too will join the examination of conscience that I for one do, I tell you these things because they are the first questions I ask my soul. The first point is that of listening, because there is communication and friendship between us and God, we must listen, listen and, ultimately, filial obedience (of who does it for love, marrying, the will of God). And 'the major theme of acceptance, identification of the Word of God (as Mary did, with his "yes" and the conception of the Word in her virginal womb). How is our prayer? Please persistently, accepting the fulfillment of the will of God? Or get discouraged if our demands are not immediately answered? We praise and thank the Lord, or we remember Him only in times of need? We have supernatural faith? We know that God alone is our salvation, "only he is thirsting for our blood", to say with the psalmist? We love God, who so loved the world by sacrificing His only begotten Son, with all your heart and with all your soul? St. Benedict said, "Nothing to the love of Christ." Must, my friends, that we deny ourselves, to our selfishness in order to follow Christ, remembering that "whoever would save his life (and shut himself in his selfishness) will lose it." We know, as Christians of the beauty of our common vocation to holiness? We are aware of the dignity of the sons of God, made in His image and likeness? Christ is truly the center of our lives? Christ is our breath? We really met Christ in our lives? We learn not to take anything for granted, when we ask these questions. What is our relationship with Jesus? We consider an abstraction, a myth or a reality, a person to contend with every day? Certainly faith is essential, but we are all called to do good works. We must remove what is not in the following summary, anything that prevents you from following Christ, renouncing ourselves, empty ourselves and filling it with him (as we decrease in our "I", the more we grow in Christ, as he said to his father Joseph Roberti Montecassino during the spiritual exercises). In this we imitate the bread and wine, humble creatures who lose their characteristic leaving substantial space to the Body and Blood of Christ. Let us love to grab her by Christ, to say, as St. Paul: "I'm not I who live, but Christ lives in me." The aspirations of society today (hedonism, relativism, the desire to appear) are likely to pollute our consciousness, our spiritual life. Antidote to this is to make us strangers to the world but not the mentality of the world, which we oppose, as I said, avoiding conformity, the Beatitudes. We place our trust in Christ, watching every time the acts of our lives (feelings, words and actions). Our young people, couples and engaged couples, which hope to become good Christian spouses, co-work of God's salvation, I would suggest a challenge fascinating love chastity, as the choice of love to Christ, we deliver all our heart, our ability to love and be loved, going to the source of love, the heart of Christ. Live chastity is not an act of asceticism, although involving a fight, but it is an act of love. We all are aware of our limitations and our condition as sinners, I say: never despair of the mercy of God, who can not help but love: "the cost we too, have sacrificed for us, His beloved Son," as warm remember the good father Roberti. And after so many questions final exhortation, in the month of May, dedicated to Our Lady: Mary and imitate ripariamoci under His watchful mantle.
