Thursday, June 24, 2010

Adding A Bedroom And Bath To My House


"In a late summer afternoon, sitting by the ocean, watching the waves and feel the rhythm of my breath, when I suddenly became aware that everything around me was taking part in a giant cosmic dance. Being a physicist I knew that the sand, rocks, water and air were composed of molecules and atoms vibrate, and these in turn were made up of particles which interacted with one another by creating and destroying other particles. I also knew that the earth's atmosphere was continually bombarded by a rain of cosmic rays, high energy particles undergo multiple collisions as they penetrated the air.

All this was familiar to me from my research [...] but sitting on that beach my experiences came to life; down from outer space I saw cascades of energy, in which they were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I saw the atoms of elemnti and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and music felt at that moment knew that this was the dance of Siva, the Lord of Dancers worshiped by Hindus.

[...] At first I was helped on my way from the power plants who showed me how the mind can flow freely, as the spiritual insights can arise spontaneously, without any effort, emerging from the deep of consciousness. I remember the first of such experiences. Occurring after years of detailed analytical thinking was so overwhelming that breaks down in tears while - not unlike Castaneda - To record my impressions on a piece of paper. "

Fritjof Capra,
The Tao of Physics


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