Monday, November 17, 2008

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A book for the Mass in Latin "

will be in bookstores in recent days. The three authors are young who met on the Internet: one of them is Chiavari.CHIAVARI. The "Latin Mass" is becoming increasingly popular field in Liguria. That it comes this new book where ancient and modern merge. The result is "Introibo altar to the Gods," which takes as its title the first words spoken by the celebrant at the beginning of the rite. The book, written in six hands by Elvis Cuneo, Daniel and Raymond Sorce Mameli, deepens and makes it understandable to everyone the meaning of service to the altar in the Roman liturgy tradizionale.La publishing project of modernity is that the authors are students between 23 and 31 and love living in three different regions (Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia) have known through the Internet, attending Catholic forum. A move to the Latin Mass is not only faith but also the desire to show that the Roman Rite is not class and elderly. "Introibo altar to the Gods", printed by the publisher "Faith & Culture in Verona, is enhanced by the preface by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, president of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei", emeritus prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, and will be in bookstores in these days of half novembre.Nel volume, with contributions from Elvis Cuneo, c ' is also a bit 'of Tigullio. Cuneo was in fact born in Chiavari in 1982, is a singer, organist and studied philosophy at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore di Milano. Passionate about the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and neo-Thomism (theological-philosophical movement that incorporates contemporary and reassesses the philosophical system of St. Thomas), deals with religious themes and liturgical articles published in Catholic magazines and websites. "The Ours is a manual that is to help those who, priests, seminarians and lay ministers, want to get into the traditional form of the Roman rite - said Cuneo -. The rigor of interpretation, clarity and the constant reference to the sources are the main characteristics of this summary. Benedict XVI, with the motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" of 7 July last year, has ruled that the traditional liturgy, the Mass of Saint Pius V has never been repealed and is a treasure that belongs to the whole Church. "The book (280 pages, € 25) you will discover all signs, symbols and gestures of the ancient liturgical treasure hidden in their meaning and without time.For Elvis Cuneo, Daniel Sorce (born in Livorno in 1985, a student of modern literature at the University of Pisa) and Raymond Mameli (born in Cagliari 1977, a student of theology at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sardinia) this is the first book written together. The writing took a year and, in the projects, there is soon an official presentation at the "Cultural Center Candiasco "of Casarza Ligure.

Debora Badinelli

From "Il Secolo XIX" of November 16, 2008


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