Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How To Make A Working Ezio's Hidden Blade

Concert Urbisaglia

Urbisaglia, Macerata, Collegiate St. Lawrence Martyr Church, Thursday, December 20 at 21 Seventh
Christmas Concert of students of middle school
"Summorum Pontificum"
Dedicated to the Motu Proprio of Pope Benedict XVI on the ancient Latin liturgy

and Girls the boys of the School of Media Urbisaglia, which were at the general audience of Pope Benedict XVI, on October 31 last year, then received by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, and Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of Congregation for Divine Worship, will present its repertoire of Gregorian chant and sacred music during the usual Christmas concert Jubilee since that is offered in the Collegiate Church of Urbisaglia.
All students, both Italian and foreign, will sing the solo and choral parts of hymns, the antiphons and the "proprium" of the Christmas season as well as the Gregorian tradition that has given him.
for the title of the concert this year is "Summorum Pontificum", as the Motu Proprio which exalts the old Latin liturgy: source, for almost two thousand years, dell'apoteosi of Christian art, music and architecture.
To enrich the world premiere of the Concerto Mass in honor of Blessed Charles of Habsburg composed by the young musician Raymond Mameli of Cagliari, which alternates between a wide musical activities for theological studies.
The Gregorian and sacred songs, which will be conducted by Maestro Andrea Carradori , Christmas will be interspersed with classical compositions for instrumental ensemble conducted by Sinfonietta "Beniamino Gigli" directed by M ° Luca Mengoni .
Members of the Sinfonietta "Beniamino Gigli" are all very young students from middle school to high school and are exhibiting throughout the region with great success.
The music will be interspersed by readings of some passages written by the Pope to stress the urgent need to "recovery" of the great heritage of sacred music, a cultural and spiritual development for all humanity, which is very dear to Benedict XVI :
"I am pleased to recall what ... on the sacred music of Vatican II: moving the lines of a centuries-old tradition, the Council said it "is a treasure of inestimable value than that of any other art, especially the fact that the sacred song united to words, it is necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy ... "(Benedict XVI, October 13, 2007, visit to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music)


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