here, when you're kids after all it is pure. Certainly, there is a wealth dictated by family experiences, friends of the school, sometimes there are situations that are not easy. but after 15 years up to the consciousness of self, the development of their personality and their own emerging vision has just begun.
with the time life begins to ask the choices, the steps of initiation. begin to enter the wonderful world of human relationships and emotional, actually choose the kind of people we want to have during the next trip, we choose, consciously or not, who to be .
but also begin to suffer, we learn that life throws at you high quotes and then suddenly you glue your ass to the ground.
and everything becomes more difficult.
suffering because they mature but leave indelible marks, even in our unconscious. begin comparisons with the past, created expectations for a future that is on the threshold of 30 is now in progress and is no longer a far reach from what a land to explore hours.
especially romantic relationships are no longer written at the beginning of a blank page, but the new stories begin after many chapters, full of blunders and corrections. and even if you do you should not compare, you try to adjust the aim, to understand where you are wrong. And then you try to enter into self-analysis, to understand why their ways of behaving, one wonders why so many situations, it is now clear, are repeat offenders.
'sum a casino, when they start fucking holiday?
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