Sunday, January 21, 2007

When Will The Tahoe Change Body Styles?

no UrbaniWarBlog Post / Came to the Supreme Court

Giuliano Urbani ( We have always maintained that those who put up internet file available to others who can not be compared to duplicate films and CDs to sell them on the roads. Now there is a sentence of section III of Cassation (149/07), which says in black and white:

- the duplication is not preparatory to donwload, if anything the opposite is true: those who download the software and save it to disc duplication commits under 171a, and risk the prison (if this is computer software, and thus with the exception of music, film, video, ...). However, constitute a ftp server which does not include third party software on offense, according to the ruling.
- to make available for download music, video, film without a substantial economic return is not an activity where you can take profit and is not an offense under 171 Ib.

It should not surprise anyone a story like that, but he must have shocked quite a few interests, and was even sent by the news of the early evening.
rather surprising that there were two sets of proceedings results in verdicts against, including a sentence of imprisonment commuted to fines.
For the record, finally acquitted the attackers were not rich, but two simple students.

Internet. Supreme: download files and software non-profit not 'offense on RaiNews24

text of the Judgement on ICTLex

Deepening the ruling by Studio Legale Frediani


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