Marijuana (English), or cannabis (Latin) or hemp (English) is a plant what could be called miraculous, and has a long history as much as that of humanity. Only plant that can be grown at any latitude from the equator to Scandinavia, has many healing properties, fast growth, costs very little to maintain, offers a quality oil (easily digestible), and has provided the most ancient civilizations up to the beginning of last century, some 80 percent of every type of paper, fiber, and fuel that humanity has ever done uso.E then, what happened? It 'happened in that period has been the sensational overtaking industry to the detriment of agriculture, and this overtaking cannabis was clearly the victim number one. The nascent U.S. industry groups aimed mainly to the exploitation of oil to the energy (Standard Oil - Rockefeller), the forest resources for paper (publisher Hearst), and artificial fibers for clothing (Dupont) - all areas in which they invested large amounts of money. But they faced, each on its own ground, this powerful opponent, and joined it to form an alliance strong enough to beat him.
The only solution to cut cleanly through the legs of a giant of that size proved the Ban. The illegality. He left and then a media operation of demonization, rapid, extensive and effective ("the devil's drug", "cursed grass", etc..), thanks to the same Hearst newspapers (the famous character of Citizen Kane / Kane, O. Wells), who had one in almost every major city . Sensitive to the money, and always looking for an easy grip popular themes, Hollywood is willing to append operation, contributing decisively to put the seal on the coffin of cannabis (left. The poster of the movie "Marihuana: assassin of youth - A throw a party, a tragedy "). The moral condemnation and uncontested quick trip from coast to coast (there was no counter!), And from there to pass a law to put out the cannabis law was a breeze. Also because it seems that three-quarters of the senators who approved the famous "Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, still in force, did not know that marijuana and cannabis were the same thing would have been the genius of Hearst to introduce the nickname, stirring cards for the occasion. CANNABIS
Thoughts on "How many murders, suicides, robberies, criminal assaults, holdups, burglaries and deeds of maniacal insanity it Causes Each year, Especially Among the young, can only be conjectured ... No one knows, When he places a marijuana ciga-straight to His lips, Whether He Will Become a joyous reveller in a musical heaven, a mad insensate, a calm philosopher, or a murderer ... " "How many murders, suicides, robberies, criminal assaults, robberies, burglaries and deeds of maniacal insanity causes each year, you can only guess. No one knows, when giving to others in his mouth a cigarette of marijuana, if they make a happy visitor to musical paradise, a delirious crowd, a quiet thinker, or a murderess ... "
Harry J Anslinger. Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau 1930-1962Fatto of Narcotics is that from that moment Dupont flooded the market with its synthetic fibers (nylon, Teflon, Lycra, Kevlar, are all trademarks Original Dupont), the automobile market is finally addressed the use of motor gasoline (the first diesel engine built to run on fuel plants), and Hearst began the systematic destruction of the forests of South America, wood from which he drew in a short time the paper enough to bring down what little was left of the competition. Benefactors of the choir joined the consortium as a result of tobacconists, who generously offered to remedy suddenly "gap in the market" a product with a hundred times more harmful cannabis stessa.E the "multinational" today, which strongly influence all the major Western governments are not the direct descendants of the historical alliance, born in the 30s, among the great industrial families. (In case anyone wonder why marijuana is not even legalized for medical use, despite the undeniable positive results in that sense). As a textile product, cannabis is nearly four times softer than cotton, four times as hot, has three times the tensile strength, hard infinitely more, has fire retardant properties, and requires no pesticides to grow. As fuel, with the same efficiency, costs about a fifth, and as a support for the press about the deal of the fact decimo.Abbiamo secolo.Scritto by Massimo Mazzucco for