I'm using: Windows Defender wanted inaugurate a series of posts on useful programs I've tried this year and continuing to use, starting with programs that enhance the security of Windows XP.
but I am starting to discourage reporting software, namely Windows Defender.
Windows Defender anti-spyware from Microsoft. It 's also a spy in your home on behalf of Microsoft, ready to inform the parent that your copy of Windows has become "not genuine".
In these times when more viruses are Trojans, spam, spyware and rootkits to worry, I thought to combine to Ad-Aware SE Personal other programs to increase its effectiveness. The choice fell between the other on Windows Defender to the novelty of the product, the importance of producer and because it is a standard feature of Windows Vista.
When you download Windows Defender from the Microsoft website you must
"validate the authenticity" your copy of Windows XP. Not bad, since my original.
When downloaded the package you install it, Windows Defender asks
back to "validate" XP. A little 'annoying, but it takes a little.
Once installed Defender and rebooted the PC you can see two new processes running and memory consumption increased by 20 mega. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent these two processes always work or to recover the lost memory.
Defender a wide enough range of options and well explained. You can choose to schedule automatic scans, to monitor whether or not the programs running, or carry out a manual scan to choose between "smart", "full" or "custom." Windows Update provides updates for.
Even if you choose not to schedule any options to scan for and does not monitor anything,
Windows Defender is still active in memory , as if he were to do something. In theory I should be run to perform a scan, but he is always there, even when I have no reason to serve.
"Why?" , I wondered. It is no longer efficient (and stable) to close everything and free up the PC for its programs that the user wants to use?
The answer I discovered by chance, considering a log
found in the temporary folder. Windows Defender check once a day that Windows XP is "genuine."
There are dozens of lines like these:
----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
MpCmdRun: Command Line: "C: \\ Program Files \\ Windows Defender \\ MpCmdRun.exe" -VerifyOSGenuine -RestrictPrivileges
Start Time: Mon Dec 25 2006 10:27:29
MpCmdRun returned 0: End Time: Mon Dec 25 2006 10:27:31
-------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
MpCmdRun: Command Line: "C: \\ Program Files \\ Windows Defender \\ MpCmdRun . exe "-VerifyOSGenuine -RestrictPrivileges
Start Time: Tue Dec 26 2006 10:56:46
VerifyOSGenuine returned 0
MpCmdRun: End Time: Tue Dec 26 2006 10:56:48
------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
So Windows Defender is not in memory to help me, but because
Microsoft does not trust me. Not to mention that might do not stay in memory and be charged only when the inventory. But so be it.
Every day that my PC is on,
Defender double-check that my Windows XP is still "genuine" . Now, unless exceptional events that I can not imagine how it is possible that this is not obvious? If I paid my hypermarket box with original CD and I installed it, how is it that in some future day my box and the software that contained
become no more genuine?
There are two things I can not stand in the software: the improper use of machine resources and the realization of purposes other than those stated. The aggravente is that this is
User behind. To make things clean, I'd need a reminder on the screen, such as "Dear Mauro, even today when you moved away from the keyboard I have checked that your XP was genuine and, guess what 'it is today. Tomorrow I'll do it again, I'm sorry but I'm so programmed that way. "
The irony of all this is that Microsoft's anti-spy software
is programmed to light.
PRO increases the security of your PC is free
AGAINST: consumes resources, and works for two masters, does not account for control of authenticity, lack of comparative testing and evaluations on the actual effectiveness as an anti-spyware.