Conversi ad Dominum Try explaining a conversion is a bit 'to get naked, give others an intelligible words with the ineffable mystery of the call, and the response to the proposal, it is a divine initiative, which man can adhere with faith or whether it can avoid the pride and free will. The conversion is first and foremost a change in perspective: it turns in a direction that perhaps unconsciously refused (in the case of those who, after years of apostasy, it retrieves the faith) or you meet for the first time in a supernatural reality that you did not know existed (in the case of actual conversions). Among the fruits of this experience there is first of all change. Those who discover God, who loves becomes something else, from what it was and there is a radical change, a change and a mute. The encounter with God takes place in silence and stillness, nell'affrancarsi from all that is everyday, ordinary, God is great. St. Thomas, the genius of philosophy and theology, spoke of the evil which has no ontological as "deprivation of property", it appears clear that those who do not know God, who does not have a relationship of "friendship" with God, is a not a person lacking any good, but the Supreme Good. He converted to waive moral evil and choosing good wishes "as a deer longs for flowing water", not only that can give sense of what that first escaped his understanding, the problem of evil, leave - not wanted! - By God in view of the greater good. It can accept with dignity the physical and moral suffering, the pride of parents and daughters of that sin that opened the gates of hell and death, offering to God in spiritual communion with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who conquered death and sin, instilling in all who love him and his followers hope to be close after the passage of this earthly life. It is not easy to share with others, especially those who do not have the gift of faith, such as the transforming experience of conversion, but tell and tell means collecting the challenge of St. Peter to be "always ready to answer whoever asks you the reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15). I used the word called because each conversion is the result of a vocation in which God constantly speaks to man, even when it seems not to hear his voice. There is an initial call, an announcement, followed by a free acceptance or rejection of man, but there is also an inward movement that works progressively in us, calling us daily to choose good and to fulfill our potential as human beings, according to the will the Father. Each has its own vocation, a God's plan for us, in fact it is not just priests or religious, but all the people of God, which He will demonstrate, in his infinite wisdom, His purposes. In prayer ask the Lord to show his face, which we could contemplate, if deemed worthy, only in heaven.
The man converted, Tabernacle of the Paraclete, however, is already living a loving relationship with God, has heard the voice in her heart and she can not fail: I clung tightly and leave it (Song of Songs, 3 , 4). In the same book we read: "You have ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes" we know that you can not see God without dying, consequently, to see Him, the man converted to receive the gift of new eyes and with them turns to her beloved. Not only the eyes but the whole person is renewed. Let us pray to the LORD with the psalmist, "Doce me facere voluntatem tuam" (Ps 142.10), so that in us, with the help of divine grace in the communion of saints and with the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the Will the Father and his plan of salvation for us. Praised be Jesus Christ!