MUSIC FOR LITURGY OF THE DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH XL On October 31 marks the anniversary of the dedication of the church of S. Stephen on. The Mass will be animated by the Schola Cantorum, of which I was asked to take over. The songs are chosen to make us participate in union of mind and heart, the liturgy, which are integral and not merely "decoration". The entrance song is "Church of God," composed in 1981 by C. Villeneuve, the joyous chorus ("Church of God, people are celebrating, singing with joy, the Lord is with you!") Invites us to praise and thank the Lord for the tangible signs of His presence. God chooses us, guides us, nourishes us and keeps its promises. We are called to be obedient and consistent witnesses, always listening to his word. The ordinary of the Mass, ie the part of the ritual that does not change (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei), will be Gregorian chant, "the chant proper to the Church of Rome", as defined by the Second Vatican Council to facilitate the active participation of the assembly in singing, will perform the Missa VIII De Angelis, whose melodies are familiar to us all. The offertory will be singing "Blessed are you, Lord Bishop of Frisina. I chose it because it has a simple and elegant melody that can also be tuned by the assembly, and expresses praises to the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, our savior and source of joy and life. The song we have inside the Liturgy of the Eucharist where Jesus Christ offers himself to us with his body and his blood, for our good and our salvation. The communion antiphon is taken from the Graduale Romanum of Paul VI and is recommended for the year: "Of the altar to Introibo / ad Deum here laetificat Juventutem meam" (I come near the altar of God, God who gives joy to my youth), and his recovery is a liturgical and spiritual wealth, that well we have to approach the altar while the choir sings "Ave Verum Corpus," Mozart's famous motet, "Ave, true Body, / born of the Virgin Mary, / I really suffered and was immolated on the cross for man, and from whose pierced side / water flowed and blood / make 'that we can experience / in the proof of death. / O Sweet Jesus, or Jesus' example, or Jesus son of Mary. / Amen. " At the closing of the celebration, after the solemn blessing, we do not tire of praising God for the mystery which we participated, with the psalm "Laudate Dominum", music by Don Lorenzo Perosi: Praise the Lord, all peoples, because it has shown its mercy and truth, which has no time. Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as was in the beginning, now and forever, forever the centuries. Amen.